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manojsai1's github profile

Cryptospy is a website that allows users to search for information about various cryptocurrencies in real-time.

Water Quality Prediction

Harshu467's github profile

This project is based on the prediction of water quality using machine learning algorithms.

Gym Application

Akshatchaube01's github profile

This website allows users to add their favorite exercises with a video demonstration, blogs and diet plans.


kartikjoshi267's github profile

This is a note-taking web application that is reactjs Based

java DSA Project

SyedImtiyaz-1's github profile

Playlist in java{DSA} for better understanding of Data Structures.


BhartiNagpure's github profile

This is the static restaurant website which shows all details about the particular restaurant, which services provided by them, thier reviewer's, contact details etc.

Portfolio Website

SurajG20's github profile

My Personal Portfolio made in reactjs and TailwindCss deployed on Vercel

SignUp Form Nodejs

HarshSharma0801's github profile

This is a database SignUp form for admin


coderhersh's github profile

Pinax is a landing page made in Angular and tailwindcss.


Hemant2335's github profile

This is simply a news app which keeps you updated with the latest news and not only the latest but the most relevant one